Challenge Week 7: Leadership

Everyone is a leader sometimes, but not necessarily the types of leaders we think about. The kinds we think about are presidents, commanders in the military, and people who guide others through well known activities. But we are all leaders.

You might have to be a leader in school and help someone through a math problem or explain how to cross genes. You could be a leader in a sport like needing to help the team through a game by giving them instructions like “Pass the ball to Jimmy!” Or “Mark that guy!”

Another big type of leader are parents. Parents need to be leaders to their kids by giving them care, advice, help, and teach them things. All of this requires leadership. None of the greatest people would be anywhere without their parents guiding them through.

Think about how many times you have been a leader. You most likely won’t be able to count them all, even if you are only kid. Again, everyone has been a leader, so don’t get down about not being one of the top positions on a project or something like that. Be the best leader ever and good things will happen for you, like being on one of the top positions for a project.

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