The picture above is the difference between my very first blog post, and my last post. At the beginning, I would use one sentence to put a point, and now I can take that one sentence and write a whole paragraph about it. For an example, I will use one of the sentences from my […]
7th Grade Reflection
At the very end of summer going into school, I expected 7th grade to be a breeze, just like 6th. I was wrong. At the very beginning of the year I had a lot more homework than last, I had to stay up later, and the teachers gave you harder work during class. On the […]
Challenge Week 7: Leadership
Everyone is a leader sometimes, but not necessarily the types of leaders we think about. The kinds we think about are presidents, commanders in the military, and people who guide others through well known activities. But we are all leaders. You might have to be a leader in school and help someone through a math […]
Challenge Week 6: Green Eggs and Ham
“Do you like green eggs and ham? I do not like them, Sam-I-am. I do not like green eggs and ham! Would you like them here or there? I would not like them here or there. I would not like them anywhere. I do so like green eggs and ham! Thank you! Thank you, Sam-I-Am” […]
Challenge Weeks 4 and 5: Media and a Memory
Photo Credit: 仁仔 何 via Compfight A one foot tall brown bear held my one year old caption every day for about three years. If I didn’t have it next to me, I would cry. If it wasn’t in my bed, I couldn’t sleep. I went everywhere with my brown bear. Little Bity Brown Bear. […]
Challenge Week 3: Favorite Quote
“Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get.” This is one of the best quotes in the world. This quote was said by Forest Gump’s mom in the movie Forest Gump. Forest is a boy with a physical and mental disorder but his mom is a very loving, caring […]
Challenge Week 2: Barton Springs
A dip in the nice, cool water is always good during the hot, Texas weather. Barton Springs is awesome. The first reason Barton Springs is cool is because you get to swim in really cold water during the Texas’ summer. This is nice because Texas can reach up to 100 degrees during summer, and a […]
The Phantom of The Opera’s Brother
Photo Credit: Jes via Compfight Why would my brother bring me down to this place he calls a home? He knows I hate it, mostly because there is a new disturbing addition each time. So far, there is nothing new, but it still terrifies me. A broken chandelier that looks to have fallen before looms […]
Expository Writing: Punctuation
Hi my name is Ryan and I am going to be talking about punctuation why do we need it why is it important does this sound weird? Punctuation is very important. The first reason punctuation is important is because if the wasn’t any, every thing you say would sound like a blob. If you noticed […]
Expository Writing- Homework
Homework can’t be any more useless. You already know how to do it, it just takes time. Homework is stupid. The first reason homework is stupid is because it takes forever. All of your classes give you some, so no matter how fast you can do it, all of the work adds up. You might […]