Tree House

Ever since I was born, my brother and I always wanted to build a tree house right behind our house in the forest. We had an idea of what it would be like but we could never get the parts for it.

Later when my brother was in 3rd grade and I was in Kindergarten, we finally got some wood and decided to build it. We went into the forest to look for a good tree, then we walked into a 5 foot radius clearing with a tree with a small trunk to climb up, and box-shaped branches. My brother and I marked the tree with a big stick and went back to our house to get the wood.

We decided to start by building the ladder, easy peasy- all you need is to nail some smaller pieces of wood to a big piece. It was only 4:00 so we thought we could finish the whole tree before it got dark.

We were wrong. It ended up taking us and hour to put the first step onto the ladder. It took us another hour to put the second one on, and another hour to put the third one on. By the time we finished just the ladder, the sky was orange. We put the ladder against the tree so we would have part of the house finished, then went home.

The next day, we went outside a little earlier to try and get more done. When we got there, the ladder was gone. We walked around a bit to see if we were at the right tree. After walking about a mile, I saw a tree house that had our ladder nailed to their tree.

My brother and I tried to make a new ladder, but we didn’t have enough wood to make it and finish the tree house, so we decided to make a fort instead.

Have you ever had someone take something away from you and you just had to do with the best of it? What was it?

2 thoughts on “Tree House

  1. Yes, I’ve had a couple of things taken from me: a coat from a coatrack at a restaurant, and a book of checks from my purse in Galveston. Had to just deal with the loss of the coat, but I was able to notify bank and police about the checks, though not before the person bought a large television at Walmart in Corpus Christi for about $200! (this was before debit cards, ATMs, and 24 hour banking).

    How upsetting for you to see the product of your hard work in someone else’s tree house! That is very wrong…! You do a good job of showing us just how much effort you put into making that ladder so we understand the frustration you feel when you see that it is then gone.

  2. Did you consider nailing the ladder boards directly to the tree? It is easier to build, and no one ever takes it away.

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